[ET Net News Agency, 10 March 2025] CMOC (03993) rose 10.7% to HK$6.54, breaking above
the 250-D SMA of HK$6.428.
It hits an intra-day high of HK$6.54, hitting an 1-month high, and an intra-day low of
HK$6. The total shares traded was 183.74 million, with a value of HK$1.15b. The active
buy/sell ratio is 65:35, with net buying turnover of HK$323.7m. CHINA INV INFO accounts
for greatest net responsive buying turnover of HK$11.3m, with volume weighted average
price of HK$6.277. EAST ASIA SEC accounts for greatest net responsive selling turnover of
HK$50.67m, with volume weighted average price of HK$6.294. The stock has risen a combined
25.5% over the past 6 consecutive trading days.
Basic Information
Nominal 6.540 % Chg +10.66%
High 6.540 Low 6.000
Shares Tr 183.74m Turnover 1.15b
10-D SMA 5.605 %H.V 44.779
20-D SMA 5.702 VWAP 6.282
50-D SMA 5.685 RSI14 69.498
Status: Breaking above the 250-D SMA, hitting an 1-month high, active buy/sell ratio is
65:35, with net buying turnover of HK$323.7m, rising a combined 25.5% over the past 6
consecutive trading days
Performance of stocks in the same sector or of relevance
Stock (Code) Price (HK$) Change (%)
CMOC (03993) 6.540 +10.66
CHINA RAREEARTH (00769) 0.405 -1.22
CGN MINING (01164) 1.530 +2.00
MMG (01208) 2.740 +3.01
GANFENGLITHIUM (01772) 22.800 -3.18
LYGEND RESOURCE (02245) 8.030 +7.93
JINCHUAN INTL (02362) 0.750 +11.94
XINXIN MINING (03833) 0.980 +3.16
JLMAG (06680) 14.560 +5.66
TIANQI LITHIUM (09696) 25.900 -0.38