[ET Net News Agency, 24 March 2025] 10 companies registered block trading at the
pre-opening session as follows:
Litsed Company Shares Transcated Price/Share Total
(+/- from previous close) Consideration
HANG SENG BANK (00011) A block trade of HK$105.7 HK$43.25m
HKEX (00388) A block trade of HK$361.803 HK$88.86m
245,600 shares (+0.22%)
TENCENT (00700) 2 block trades of HK$511.5 HK$141.48m
CCB (00939) A block trade of HK$6.87 HK$46.46m
6.76 million shares (-)
CITIC BANK (00998) A block trade of HK$6.18 HK$26.52m
4.29 million shares (-)
BYD COMPANY (01211) A block trade of HK$391.6 HK$228.5m
ABC (01288) A block trade of HK$4.93 HK$63.16m
12.81 million shares (-)
AIA (01299) A block trade of HK$60.5 HK$31.22m
SITC (01308) 2 block trades of HK$19.614 to HK$19.66 HK$63.78m
3.25 million shares (-8E-7% to -0.23%)
XTEP INT'L (01368) A block trade of HK$5.206 HK$24.81m
4.77 million shares (+0.31%)
Meanwhile, another 3 pre-opening trades of 412,940 shares of TENCENT were registered at
9:01am at HK$510.461-HK$511.5 per share, less than 0.1% to 0.2% lower than previous close,
with the total amount of HK$211.11m. In addition, a pre-opening trade of 200,000 shares of
TENCENT was registered at 9:00am at HK$510.875 per share, 0.1% lower than previous close,
with the total amount of HK$102.18m.
The 6 pre-opening trades amounted to 889,540 shares of HK$454.77m.(rw)