[ET Net News Agency, 7 March 2025] 4 companies registered block trading at the trading
session as follows:
Litsed Company Shares Transcated Price/Share Total
(+/- from previous close) Consideration
PING AN (02318) 5 block trades of HK$48.3 HK$838.05m
17.35 million shares (-)
MINIEYE (02431) A non-direct manual HK$23 HK$36.8m
trade of 1.6 million (-20%)
BABA-W (09988) 2 block trades of HK$140.311 to HK$140.8 HK$72.23m
513,900 shares (-0.000002% to -0.35%)
NTES-S (09999) 3 block trades of HK$164.3 HK$493.54m
3 million shares (-)