[ET Net News Agency, 5 March 2025] WH GROUP (00288) rose 3.1% to HK$6.7.
It hits an intra-day high of HK$6.7, hitting a 52-week high, and an intra-day low of
HK$6.5. The total shares traded was 34.66 million, with a value of HK$229.05m. The active
buy/sell ratio is 67:33, with net buying turnover of HK$72.79m. J.P. MORGAN BRO (HK)
accounts for greatest net responsive buying turnover of HK$11.38m, with volume weighted
average price of HK$6.616. CHINA INT'L CAPITAL CORP HK accounts for greatest net
responsive selling turnover of HK$32.52m, with volume weighted average price of HK$6.604.
The stock has risen a combined 5.7% over the past 3 consecutive trading days.
The Hang Seng Index now rose 551 points, or 2.4% to 23,493.
Basic Information
Nominal 6.700 % Chg +3.08%
High 6.700 Low 6.500
Shares Tr 34.66m Turnover 229.05m
10-D SMA 6.325 %H.V 24.671
20-D SMA 6.182 VWAP 6.608
50-D SMA 6.111 RSI14 69.571
Status: Hitting a 52-week high, active buy/sell ratio is 67:33, with net buying turnover
of HK$72.79m, rising a combined 5.7% over the past 3 consecutive trading days
Performance of stocks in the same sector or of relevance
Stock (Code) Price (HK$) Change (%)
WH GROUP (00288) 6.700 +3.08
ASIAN CITRUS (00073) 2.300 Unchanged
SINOFERT (00297) 1.060 +0.95
CHAODA MODERN (00682) 0.250 +5.04
YURUN FOOD (01068) 0.148 Unchanged
COFCO JOYCOME (01610) 1.430 Unchanged
CHINA XLX FERT (01866) 3.970 +1.28
DEKON AGR (02419) 29.900 +1.70
DACHAN FOOD (03999) 0.640 +1.59
FENGXIANG CO (09977) 1.430 +0.70