[ET Net News Agency, 5 March 2025] XINYI GLASS (00868) rose 3.1% to HK$7.59, breaking
above the 50-D SMA of HK$7.379.
It hits an intra-day high of HK$7.59, and an intra-day low of HK$7.36. The total shares
traded was 2.76 million, with a value of HK$20.59m. The active buy/sell ratio is 78:22,
with net buying turnover of HK$10.7m. JEFFERIES HK accounts for greatest net responsive
buying turnover of HK$281,520, with volume weighted average price of HK$7.467. MERRILL
LYNCH FE accounts for greatest net responsive selling turnover of HK$2.16m, with volume
weighted average price of HK$7.448.
The Hang Seng Index now rose 472 points, or 2.1% to 23,414.
Basic Information
Nominal 7.590 % Chg +3.12%
High 7.590 Low 7.360
Shares Tr 2.76m Turnover 20.59m
10-D SMA 7.551 %H.V 35.252
20-D SMA 7.451 VWAP 7.470
50-D SMA 7.379 RSI14 53.919
Status: Breaking above the 50-D SMA, active buy/sell ratio is 78:22, with net buying
turnover of HK$10.7m
Performance of stocks in the same sector or of relevance
Stock (Code) Price (HK$) Change (%)
XINYI GLASS (00868) 7.590 +3.12
JINGCHENG MAC (00187) 3.440 +1.18
TSUGAMI CHINA (01651) 19.000 +4.51
HAITIAN INT'L (01882) 22.350 +1.36
KB LAMINATES (01888) 8.670 +3.96
CHINA GLASS (03300) 0.365 +1.39
FUYAO GLASS (03606) 51.650 +1.27
FLAT GLASS (06865) 13.600 +0.74
GUIXIN GROUP (08349) 2.310 -1.28
CHINA HONGGUANG (08646) 0.270 -3.57