[ET Net News Agency, 10 March 2025] A pre-opening trade of 830,000 shares of HSBC
HOLDINGS (00005) was registered at 9:03a.m.
The deal amounted to HK$73m, or at HK$87.95 per share, same as previous close.
Meanwhile, another 2 pre-opening trades of 4.45 million shares of HSBC HOLDINGS were
registered at 9:01am at HK$87.95 per share,same as previous close, with the total amount
of HK$390.96m. In addition, a pre-opening trade of 1.73 million shares of HSBC HOLDINGS
was registered at 9:00am at HK$87.95 per share,same as previous close, with the total
amount of HK$152.08m.
The 4 pre-opening trades amounted to 7 million shares of HK$616.04m. (rw)