[ET Net News Agency, 12 March 2025] CHOW TAI FOOK (01929) rose 4.7% to HK$9.52.
It hits an intra-day high of HK$9.55, hitting an 1-month high, and an intra-day low of
HK$9.08. The total shares traded was 4.24 million, with a value of HK$39.78m. The active
buy/sell ratio is 67:33, with net buying turnover of HK$12.93m. CHINA INT'L CAPITAL CORP
HK accounts for greatest net responsive buying turnover of HK$2.79m, with volume weighted
average price of HK$9.439. J.P. MORGAN BRO (HK) accounts for greatest net responsive
selling turnover of HK$3.03m, with volume weighted average price of HK$9.407. The stock
has risen a combined 6.4% over the past 2 consecutive trading days.
The Hang Seng Index now rose 26 points, or 0.1% to 23,808.
Basic Information
Nominal 9.520 % Chg +4.73%
High 9.550 Low 9.080
Shares Tr 4.24m Turnover 39.78m
10-D SMA 8.523 %H.V 57.885
20-D SMA 8.162 VWAP 9.392
50-D SMA 7.400 RSI14 75.472
Status: Hitting an 1-month high, active buy/sell ratio is 67:33, with net buying turnover
of HK$12.93m, rising a combined 6.4% over the past 2 consecutive trading days
Performance of stocks in the same sector or of relevance
Stock (Code) Price (HK$) Change (%)
CHOW TAI FOOK (01929) 9.52 +4.73
DICKSON CONCEPT (00113) 4.90 +0.20
CHOW SANG SANG (00116) 7.04 +0.28
CITYCHAMP (00256) 0.51 Unchanged
ORIENTAL WATCH (00398) 3.49 Unchanged
LUK FOOK HOLD (00590) 15.94 +1.53
CSMALL (01815) 1.34 +0.75
SAMSONITE (01910) 20.40 -1.45
PRADA (01913) 62.75 -3.83
LAOPU GOLD (06181) 767.00 +10.68