11/02/2025 17:05
11/02/2025 16:46
Spot month fut dn 225 pts to 21342, 92k contracts
[ET Net News Agency, 11 February 2025] The spot month HSI futures was last quoted at 21,342, down 225 points, or a premium of 47 points to the Hang ... View All
11/02/2025 16:38 {Short Sales}Full-day T/O at HK$28bn, or 13% of Total
11/02/2025 16:35 Short Selling Turnover (NASDAQ) up to day close
11/02/2025 16:35 Short Selling Turnover (GEM) up to day close
11/02/2025 16:35 Short Selling Turnover (Main Board) up to day close(3)
11/02/2025 16:35 Short Selling Turnover (Main Board) up to day close(2)
11/02/2025 16:35 Short Selling Turnover (Main Board) up to day close(1)
11/02/2025 16:31 Spot month fut dn 225 pts to 21342, premium 47 pts to HSI
11/02/2025 16:29 HK$ markets: Overnight Hibor at 2.40%; US$/HK$ 7.7909/39
11/02/2025 16:25 HSI ends down 227 pts at 21,294; TEH down 144 pts at 5,142
11/02/2025 15:57 {Block Trade}TENCENT (00700): 90k shares, or HK$38.33m
11/02/2025 15:54 {Block Trade}BABA-W (09988): 500k shares, or HK$52.52m
11/02/2025 15:05 {B-shares}SSE B-shares dn 0.7%; SZSE B-shares dn 0.4%
11/02/2025 14:51 {Block Trade}ISHARESHSTECH: 1.99m shares, or HK$21.53m
11/02/2025 14:50 {Block Trade}ISHARESHSTECH: 4.64m shares, or HK$50.23m
11/02/2025 14:29 {Block Trade}Trading session block trades at 2:28pm
11/02/2025 14:26 {Block Trade}PING AN HKDIV: 1.14m shares, or HK$36.55m
11/02/2025 14:25 {Block Trade}PING AN HKDIV: 1.14m shares, or HK$36.55m
11/02/2025 14:24 {Block Trade}PICC P&C (02328): 8m shares, or HK$102.72m