Quote | Super Quote
Date   Code Name No. of Shares Issued Issue Price Total Fund Raised Type % of issued shs Raising Method
26/09/2024 01586LEON INSPECTION----USD 3.846MConvertible Bonds0.000Placing/Issue
(Business Development Principial amount equal to HKD 30 mil)
25/09/2024 01303HUILI RES85.820MHKD 0.450HKD 38.619MShares4.254Consideration Issue
(Debt Repayment)
24/09/2024 08412NEW AMANTE20.370MHKD 0.460HKD 9.370MShares19.995Placing/Issue
(Enlarging the capital base;Debt Repayment)
24/09/2024 01468KINGKEY FIN INT93.787MHKD 0.423HKD 39.670MShares8.536Consideration Issue
(Acquisition Acquisition of finance & investment business; Consideration equal to CHF 4.32 mil)
23/09/2024 08365HATCHER GROUP128.452M - 132.118MHKD 0.250HKD 32.100M - 33.000MShares308.562Rights Issue/Open Offer
(Enlarging the capital base;Business Development Rts 3 for 1)
23/09/2024 01025KNT HOLDINGS168.486MHKD 0.032HKD 5.310MShares20.000Placing/Issue
(Enlarging the capital base;Debt Repayment)
23/09/2024 08365HATCHER GROUP----HKD 5.670MConvertible Bonds0.000Placing/Issue
(Enlarging the capital base)
23/09/2024 08547PACIFIC LEGEND2.900MHKD 0.165HKD 478,500Shares1.071Consideration Issue
(Acquisition Further acquisition of business in animal husbandry in Mainland China)
23/09/2024 00639SHOUGANG RES164.228MHKD 2.600HKD 427.000MShares3.333Rights Issue/Open Offer
(Enlarging the capital base;Business Development Rts 1 for 30 (on non-underwritten basis))
22/09/2024 03939WANGUO GOLD GP165.600MHKD 8.330HKD 1.379BShares20.000Placing/Issue
(Enlarging the capital base;Business Development Shares issued to ZIJIN MINING(02899))
20/09/2024 02459SANERGY GROUP50.000MHKD 0.325HKD 16.300MShares4.950Top Up Placing
(Enlarging the capital base;Business Development)
20/09/2024 08391CORNERSTONE TEC----HKD 200.000MConvertible Bonds0.000Placing/Issue
(Enlarging the capital base;Acquisition Net proceeds of HK$ 180 mil will be used to subscribe business in EV charging operations in Thailand)
20/09/2024 01201TESSON HOLDINGS120.000MHKD 0.100HKD 12.000MShares5.778Placing/Issue
(Enlarging the capital base)
20/09/2024 09960KINDSTAR GLOBAL59.431MHKD 1.420HKD 84.393MShares6.062Consideration Issue
(Acquisition Acquisition of business in the provision of clinical oncology testing services & the registration & development of early cancer diagnosis & screening products)
20/09/2024 01783ENVISION GREEN19.668MHKD 4.200HKD 82.600MShares1.567Placing/Issue
(Enlarging the capital base;Business Development)
16/09/2024 01942MOG DIGITECH155.230MHKD 0.530HKD 82.270MShares19.999Placing/Issue
(Enlarging the capital base;Business Development)
16/09/2024 01143CN ENGY STORAGE17.256MHKD 1.510HKD 26.100MShares8.335Placing/Issue
(Enlarging the capital base;Business Development)
16/09/2024 03321WAI HUNG GROUP100.930MHKD 0.020HKD 2.060MShares20.000Placing/Issue
(Enlarging the capital base)
15/09/2024 00223ELIFE HLDGS226.000MHKD 0.123HKD 27.798MShares19.997Placing/Issue
(Enlarging the capital base;Business Development Shares issued to CH INNOVATION(01217))
15/09/2024 00526LISI GP HOLD800.000MHKD 0.076HKD 60.800MShares9.945Placing/Issue
(Enlarging the capital base;Business Development)
13/09/2024 06829DRAGON RISE GP144.000MHKD 0.200HKD 28.800MShares100.000Rights Issue/Open Offer
(Enlarging the capital base;Business Development;Debt Repayment Rts 1 for 1 consolidated sh)
13/09/2024 00103SHOUGANG CENT391.676MHKD 0.330HKD 129.253MShares20.000Rights Issue/Open Offer
(Enlarging the capital base;Debt Repayment Rts 1 for 5 (on non-underwritten basis))
13/09/2024 02888STANCHART----SGD 750.000MConvertible Bonds0.000Placing/Issue
(Enlarging the capital base;Business Development Issue Perpetual Subordinated Contingent Convertible Securities; Before Mar 2030: 5.3%, & interest rate reset for each 5 years thereafter)
12/09/2024 01466BAIJIN LIFE SCI27.779MHKD 0.480HKD 13.334MShares4.090Placing/Issue
(Enlarging the capital base)
11/09/2024 01865TRENDZON HLDG477.610MHKD 0.180HKD 85.970MShares337.105Placing/Issue
(Enlarging the capital base;Business Development;Debt Repayment Unsubscribed arrangement on non-underwritten basis open offer)
11/09/2024 00302CMGE38.000MHKD 1.680HKD 63.840MShares1.332Consideration Issue
(Acquisition Acquisition of business in overseas IP rights of the game)
11/09/2024 00720AUTO ITALIA800.000MHKD 0.130HKD 104.000MShares15.116Consideration Issue
(Acquisition Acquisition of business in the sales & export of electric vehicles to the European market)
10/09/2024 08275CHINA NEW CONS179.860MHKD 0.100HKD 17.986MShares37.471Placing/Issue
(Enlarging the capital base;Business Development Unsubscribed arrangement on non-underwritten basis open offer)
09/09/2024 00821VC HOLDINGS----HKD 14.400MConvertible Bonds0.000Placing/Issue
(Enlarging the capital base;Debt Repayment)
09/09/2024 00789ARTINI HLDG220.000MHKD 0.270HKD 59.400MShares19.928Placing/Issue
(Enlarging the capital base;Business Development)
09/09/2024 08385PROSPEROUSPRINT17.390MHKD 0.125HKD 2.170MShares19.989Top Up Placing
(Enlarging the capital base)
09/09/2024 08363SDM EDUCATION21.429MHKD 0.140HKD 3.000MShares2.828Placing/Issue
(Debt Repayment)
09/09/2024 00727CROWNICORP1.766BHKD 0.088HKD 155.400MShares50.000Rights Issue/Open Offer
(Business Development Rts 1 for 2 (on non-underwritten basis))
06/09/2024 03313ARTGO HOLDINGS197.500MHKD 0.114HKD 22.520MShares19.998Placing/Issue
(Enlarging the capital base;Debt Repayment)
05/09/2024 02191SF REIT4.893MHKD 2.710HKD 13.260MShares0.603Consideration Issue
(Fee Payment)
05/09/2024 00005HSBC HOLDINGS----USD 1.350BConvertible Bonds0.000Placing/Issue
(Enlarging the capital base Issue Perpetual Subordinated Contingent Convertible Securities; Redeemable on 6 months prior to 11 March 2030 to the end of the reset date)
05/09/2024 00005HSBC HOLDINGS----USD 1.150BConvertible Bonds0.000Placing/Issue
(Enlarging the capital base Issue Perpetual Subordinated Contingent Convertible Securities; Redeemable on 6 months prior to 11 September 2034 to the end of the reset date)
05/09/2024 08079WISDOMCOME GP103.700MHKD 0.021HKD 2.178MShares19.994Placing/Issue
(Enlarging the capital base)
04/09/2024 01069CN HEALTH TECH143.000MHKD 0.043HKD 6.150MShares19.965Placing/Issue
(Enlarging the capital base)
04/09/2024 08275CHINA NEW CONS60.124MHKD 0.100HKD 6.012MShares12.526Rights Issue/Open Offer
(Enlarging the capital base;Business Development Rts 1 for 2 (on non-underwritten basis))
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